Пляжный отдых в Италии

Best Recreation At Sea

отдых в италии на море где лучше(Fotho [ changó ] / flickr.com / CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)

Cultural-excursion recreation

Pleasure rest in the country is good that it can be combined with an interesting cultural programme. It's hard to say where to relax in Italy, because depending on the resort, tourists have a good opportunity to look at the various virtues.

Our tourists love Rimini - from there, it's convenient to take a tour to the most popular cities of Italy and San Marino Carlick State. The Liguri Riviera is bordering on France, so we can go to Monaco or Monte Carlo. In Sicilia and Sardinia, the rest attend caves, volcanoes, antique ruins and medieval buildings.

Rome, Venice, Florence and Milan are the most visited tourists in Italy. The rumors of global warming and possible disappearance of Venice from the face of the Earth have added to this city of tourists even more popular, and Milan has long and long settled in the heart of the hard-earned fashions - only here can we buy exclusive things with good discounts.

где лучше отдыхать в италии на мореIn Italian cities, there is a very high density of sight, and one trip to look at all greatness is not possible: the channels and the area of San Marco in Venice, the Rome Forum, Pantheon, the fountain of Trevi and the ancient Colises in Rome, the Vatican Museum, Duomo and the Uffia Gallery in Florence and many others. In the high season, there are no waiting lists for tickets to museums and tourist crowds.

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Where? Better rest. With the kids in Italy?

On the Adriatic Coast (Linyano, Lido-di-Ezolo, Rimini and Richlon), and on Sardinia Island, the tourists say they're best off with children. In these resorts, Italy is well equipped with infrastructure, sand beaches with a logic inlet, beach playgrounds, savaparks, oceanicumas, parks with attachments and museums.

For the kids in Rimini and Richson, there's a Mirabyland park, Fabiland, Italy in miniature, Aquafan. Suffering to Lyñano can visit Italian Disneyland, Gardaland, Aquasplash and natural parks near Garda Lake. Lido-de-Ezolo can go with the kids to the moon park, Tropicarium, Oceanarium. Only half an hour of driving on a ferry from the resort is Venice.

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