грузия отдых на море отзывы

Georgia Seas Recreation

Since the number of participants in our group is increasing every day, for which VAM is a very large thank-you, I thought we should get to know each other.

My name is Jeanne.

This post is a revelation, so please finish by the end, it'll take you five minutes.
Thank you! I'll be very pleased and you'll be useful, honest.

If someone told me five years ago that I'd be working in a tourist firm, I'd probably just smile back, because until then, for 10 years, I've been working in different major manufacturing companies (especially foods), agree, tourism has a very remote relationship.

But as they say, things happen in life, and I'm not the exception. When I returned from my scheduled leave (in the summer I went to the Greek beaches, I somehow insurmountable and incomprehensible to me at that point, I realized that marketing in foods had been in my way for 10 years, and I definitely decided (why exactly on the plane this thought had me permanently and irreversibly) that I wanted to rest.

Not everyone knows I was born in Georgia, but it turns out that leaving Tbilisi in 1996 I didn't come there for 17 years! Maybe this factor, and perhaps not just him, has led me to think that we should start our own project, the GOOD OR!

This country is beautiful at any time of the year: spring, autumn (excursion tours) and summer, and the winter is also the sea, the rainbows (breath, and there are two pepper resorts).
The Georgian kitchen and hospitality, I don't think you should tell me.

By taking a plane ticket in June 2013, and coming to my home town, arriving and seeing KAKIM STAL TBILSI, I further strengthened my decision.

And since then, traveling to this heavenly corner has become a favourite business, which also leaves the most exciting and warm memories in the hearts of people!
After every revocation, the expressions of gratitude on the soul are getting great, so I've tried hard, so it's on the right path. For me to arrange a journey to Georgia is to give a piece of my soul. Who's already gone knows.

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