Отдых на Кипре в феврале

In February, Tourist Feedback

  • Yakutsky
  • -7
  • -6
  • Vladivostok
  • -8
  • North-Kuril
  • -9
  • Camchatka
  • -10


Cyprus is a moderate, with a large number of sundays throughout the year. The winter is very short and soft, the mean temperature between +17 and +19 °C. Thermometer's winter pole falls a few degrees below zero and snow falls out. Summer hot, from mid-May to mid-October. During this period, the temperature may rise up to +35 °C in the shadows, but due to low humidity, the heat is easily transported.

The average water temperature off the coast of Cyprus in July +23 °C, in February (the coldest month) +14 °C, the swimming season is open almost a year round.

Visa and Customs

There are no restrictions on the import and export of currencies, travel cheques, credit cards and other payment documents. Cash over 10,000 EUR should be declared. The duty-free import of 200 cigarettes or 50 cigars, or 250 grams of tobacco, 1 l of solid alcoholic beverages or 2 l of alcoholic beverages, up to 22°, up to 50 ml of perfume and 250 ml of toilet water. The importation of tumours, fruits and living flowers, all weapons (including gas), drugs and hazardous chemicals is prohibited.

The rise of archaeological values from the seabed or their removal from Cyprus without prior authorization from the Director of the Department of Antiquities is prohibited.

There are no restrictions on the removal of the wine, but you have to bear in mind that not more than 3 ls of alcoholic beverages are free to enter Russia, regardless of the fortress. The " front " will have to pay a fee of 10 EUR per l, but it is permitted to import no more than 5 litres per adult citizen.

Tax free

In Cyprus, 19 per cent of VAT can be returned. To that end, at least 50 EUR should be purchased at a shop where the cassé or special counter has a logo, Global Blué Tax Frée Shoping. The completed form issued by the seller should be presented at the port of return to the airport. The money's on the map or it'll be in cash.

How to get to Cyprus

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